Seven WTS-LV samplers were deployed recently by WHOI collaborators Dr. Mak Saito and Dr. Phoebe Lam. The cruise, which took place in the Equatorial Pacific between Hawaii and Samoa, was sampling metalloenzymes, which are key catalysts in global biogeochemical cycling.
McLane pumps have proven important to metal and protein sample collection and are used by scientists for the US GEOTRACES program. In this ten year program, collaborators like Dr. Saito study ocean sections of dissolved and particulate metals, and proteins.
Prior to the cruise, Dr. Saito visited McLane and presented his research to McLane which proved a great opportunity to learn about fieldwork with our samplers and the importance of studying the cycles of various metals in the ocean.
An interesting foortnote, Dr. Saito and his wife have published a book for children based on the many beautiful photographs taken by Dr. Saito on a recent GEOTRACES expedition to Antarctica. Proceeds from the book support children’s programs in Woods Hole, MA.