Join McLane 18-23 Feb at OSM’24 in New Orleans. Visit Booth 632 and see our innovative technologies! Discuss your science and projects with our team and experience our newest eDNA sampler the Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument (RoCSI) and our automated, submersible Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB). On 21 Feb from 12:45 – 1:45 CST don’t miss our
(January 2023) Read how WHOI’s use of the IFCB detected an unprecedented toxic algal bloom in warming Alaskan waters.  Early discovery was key for warning residents not to consume shell fish or marine animals due to toxicity risk.                  

Seasons Greetings 2023

McLane wishes you joy, from the lab to the sea. Buoyant cheers and waves of good cheer, May your holidays be shipshape, loud and clear. From Traps to RoCSIs to IFCBs in the ocean’s embrace, We innovate through merriment, crafting joy in our wake. So here’s to the season, with nautical delight, Season’s Greetings, from
Maintaining your sampler from deck to lab is critical for long instrument life. After instrument recovery, a few basic steps can avoid  emergency service before the next deployment: After removing sample bottles, sample bags, or filter holders, rinse sampler with fresh water. Connect the COM cable and offload all data from memory. Open the controller