McLane GM Jonathan Mogul recently accompanied University of Rhode Island (URI) researchers to deploy a Particle and Phytoplankton sampler (PPS) on a custom-designed buoy in Quonset Bay, RI. Researchers from URI’s Davies Lab utilized a relatively small boat and two scuba divers to hang the PPS on the side of the buoy just below the
Live at OB’23 in Southampton 18 April! Learn McLanePro, the NEW GUI for McLane Gen3 electronics, with Engineering Director Tim Shanahan 11:30am – 12:30pm in the Ray Beverton Classroom 044/11. See how McLanePro and Gen3 electronics improve the user experience for Sediment Traps, RAS and PPS samplers and WTS-LV pumps. Sign-up for the OB McLanePro
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) scientists Claire Widdicombe and Elaine Fileman visited McLane in March for training on their Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB). The bespoke week long training at our McLane facility consisted of general operations, classification, and maintenance procedures. PML’s  IFCB will be part of their Automated, in-situ Plankton Imaging and Classification System (APICS). Learn more
McLane Engineering Director Tim Shanahan will offer an introduction to our latest eDNA Sampler, the Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument (RoCSI) at The National Oceanography Centre (NOC)’s Innovations Conference at Ocean Business.  The RoCSI is  a new 2023 tech transfer between McLane and  the National Oceanography Centre in the UK. 19 April 11:00 am-12:00 pm Henry Charnock