McLane Samplers in NEPTUNE

McLane is excited to be part of the North-East Pacific Time-Series Undersea Networked Experiments (NEPTUNE) observatory. NEPTUNE Canada, a partnership of 12 Universities, is the world’s first multi-node regional cabled seafloor observatory. Five subsea nodes with several hundred instruments including McLane Samplers will be deployed by NEPTUNE Canada this year. Dalhousie University, a NEPTUNE consortium member, will

MMP in PBS Documentary

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientist Ruth Curry is featured in two televised PBS NOW investigations discussing the impact of global climate change on the oceans. The documentary “Sea Change” features Curry explaining an MMP and shows WHOI scientists deploying an MMP off the RV Oceanus. Some video of McLane flotation is also included. The video

McLane Celebrates 25 Years

In 1983, the first CD arrived in music stores. Motorola began to test cell phone service. In Falmouth, MA, McLane founders Dr. Sus Honjo and Ken Doherty were busy building a new type of sediment sampler in a garage. Fast forward 25 years. MP3 file downloads outpace CD sales. In 2007, 1.1 billion cell phones were sold worldwide. Certainly many changes have taken place since 1983. For McLane, those

Sea Technology Features McLane

A McLane instrument recovery was the front page news feature in the February 2005 issue of Sea Technology magazine. The Remote Access Sampler (RAS), Phytoplankton Sampler (PPS) and Time Series Incubation Device (TS-SID) were being recovered from a deployment in the Northwest Pacific ocean aboard the R/V Mirai (operated by JAMSTEC, Japan). Congratulations to the