McLane was well represented by our agent Russell Priest at the Ocean’10 IEEE conference (24-27 May) in Sydney, Australia. Also, a representative from McLane and our agent Kelso Riddell attended Oceanology International 2010 (9-11 March) in London. Many thanks to our friends at Innovatum for sharing their booth! If you missed us, please contact us
Scientists from the University of Wisconsin deployed a McLane RAS-500 with adaptive sampling to study bacterial loading in the Great Lakes area. The buoy based system collected samples using activity triggered, time-series sampling. Significant patterns of contamination events were linked to heavy rainfall. The UW team wrote an application program interface (API) triggering the automatic start of

McLane Samplers in NEPTUNE

McLane is excited to be part of the North-East Pacific Time-Series Undersea Networked Experiments (NEPTUNE) observatory. NEPTUNE Canada, a partnership of 12 Universities, is the world’s first multi-node regional cabled seafloor observatory. Five subsea nodes with several hundred instruments including McLane Samplers will be deployed by NEPTUNE Canada this year. Dalhousie University, a NEPTUNE consortium member, will

MMP in PBS Documentary

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientist Ruth Curry is featured in two televised PBS NOW investigations discussing the impact of global climate change on the oceans. The documentary “Sea Change” features Curry explaining an MMP and shows WHOI scientists deploying an MMP off the RV Oceanus. Some video of McLane flotation is also included. The video