Conference: AGU Fall Meeting 2010

Dr. Susumu Honjo and Dr. Yuki A. Honjo will attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (13-17 December) in San Francisco. Dr. S. Honjo and Dr. Tim Eglington (Senior Scientist Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry, WHOI) have been invited to present an oral session on climate change and the global flux and a poster on the Arctic

Conference: ArcticNet Canada

ArcticNet 2010 (14-17 December) is an annual Arctic  scientific research gathering. This year’s 7th annual meeting will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Stop by Booth #18 and visit McLane Reps from ROMOR Atlantic Limited. See for more information.

ESP featured in Ocean Gazing Podcast

The ocean science and technology podcast ‘Ocean Gazing’ recently released an episode on the ESP. In the podcast, Dr. James Birch of MBARI and McLane’s own Cheri Everlove explain how the ESP works at the cable ocean observatory Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS).  The ESP’s significance in HAB (Harmful Algal Bloom) research and water quality
The American Geophysical Union annual fall meeting  (13–17 December 2010) is expected to draw a crowd of over 16,000 geophysicists from around the world. The Fall Meeting provides an opportunity for researchers, teachers, students, and consultants to present and review the latest issues affecting the Earth, the planets, and their environments in space. This meeting will