McLane Hosts our Spain Sales Reps

McLane was happy to host our sales representatives from Madrid, Spain, when Francisco and Susana Mier of Grafinta S.A. stopped by our office during a recent business trip. McLane welcomes the chance to have visitors at our Falmouth office so please contact us if you plan to be in the area!

See McLane at OCEANS ’10, Sept. 20-23

Come visit McLane at Oceans 2010 IEEE/OES in Seattle, WA from September 20-23. We’ll be in Booth # 531 with a full- scale profiler, details about our new instrument, the Environmental Sample Processor, and lots more information about our full product line. OCEANS 2010, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic

NIU Gets Hands-On ITP Training

Stefan Vogel, a research associate in the Dept. of Geology and Environmental Geosciences at Northern Illinois University (NIU) visited McLane in July for profiler training. NIU recently purchased an Ice Tethered Profiler integrated with a Teledyne RDI Doppler Velocity Sensor (DVS). NIU will deploy the ITP this Fall in Lake Tahoe. Plans for deployment in

McLane products in the field

McLane products have been deployed in oceans around the world– see our new Google Map.  Our profiler, sampler and mooring product markers show deployments around the world.  Scroll over some of the markers, further information (such as related papers, links and photos) are shown on the tag.  These are just a selection of McLane instrument