Buoy Surfaces After 10 Years

Amazingly, in April 2011 a WHOI mooring with a McLane steel buoy that was deployed in 2001 suddenly surfaced in the Southern Ocean west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Originally part of a six mooring deployment, the sixth ‘ghost mooring’ failed to respond to the acoustic anchor release and was presumed lost in 2002. Somehow in 2011 the

NIWA Probes Antarctic with ITP

The National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is using the ITP to probe ice sheet and ocean conditions in the Antarctic. Scientists are logging a year round data set (the first of its kind) to study ice shelf interaction in McMurdo Sound, a bay off Antarctica that forms the western extension of the

Conference: AGU Fall Meeting 2010

Dr. Susumu Honjo and Dr. Yuki A. Honjo will attend the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (13-17 December) in San Francisco. Dr. S. Honjo and Dr. Tim Eglington (Senior Scientist Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry, WHOI) have been invited to present an oral session on climate change and the global flux and a poster on the Arctic

Conference: ArcticNet Canada

ArcticNet 2010 (14-17 December) is an annual Arctic  scientific research gathering. This year’s 7th annual meeting will be held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Stop by Booth #18 and visit McLane Reps from ROMOR Atlantic Limited. See arcticnetmeetings.ca for more information.