New MMP Sensor Integration

McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) sensor options now include the Nortek AquaDopp HR and Satlantic SUNA sensors. Also, the Seabird Inductive Modem (IMM) communication protocol has been fully implemented as an option to inductively transfer files. The AquaDopp collects Doppler acoustic current measurements, and the SUNA is a nitrate sensor. For a full up-to-date list of

McLane Flotation

Did you know that along with our profilers and samplers, McLane manufactures a full flotation line for oceanographic and offshore mooring installations, custom instrument housings and recovery beacons? Our 12” glass spheres have 10kg buoyancy each and are flexible and cost effective (the G6600 3 float model is 18% more buoyant than a 17” sphere). Steel subsurface


Canada’s R/V Thomas G. Thompson recently set sail on a cruise to maintain, recover, and deploy more instruments at the NEPTUNE seafloor observatory. NEPTUNE is the world’s first multi-node regional cabled seafloor observatory, and McLane Sediment Traps and RAS samplers were deployed in 2009 for Phase One of this 25 year project. Daily cruise updates, cruise

Deployment Video: MMP in China

In this video, the Third Institute of Oceanography (Xiamen, China) deployed a McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) in Sept 2010 for 80 days off the coast of China. After a successful deployment and recovery, the China team collected 3000 profiles, with the instrument traveling in the range of 800 thousand meters. Also in China, scientists from the