Changing schedules or triggering samples in mid-deployment is now possible with new adaptive sampling options available for McLane Profilers and Samplers. Adaptive profiling uses inductive telemetry and a surface package to communicate with profiler firmware during the deployment The user can then program a new schedule which is transferred to the profiler during the next inductive

Oahu Cruise Brings Lab to Sea

The advantage of samplers that perform in-situ, real-time laboratory analysis is evidenced in a C-MORE BioLINCS marine microbe study North of Oahu. The deployment features the ESP and other instruments that conduct studies in the field which often depend upon a return to sophisticated laboratory environments. Read more about this fascinating September deployment at the

New MMP Sensor Integration

McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) sensor options now include the Nortek AquaDopp HR and Satlantic SUNA sensors. Also, the Seabird Inductive Modem (IMM) communication protocol has been fully implemented as an option to inductively transfer files. The AquaDopp collects Doppler acoustic current measurements, and the SUNA is a nitrate sensor. For a full up-to-date list of

McLane Flotation

Did you know that along with our profilers and samplers, McLane manufactures a full flotation line for oceanographic and offshore mooring installations, custom instrument housings and recovery beacons? Our 12” glass spheres have 10kg buoyancy each and are flexible and cost effective (the G6600 3 float model is 18% more buoyant than a 17” sphere). Steel subsurface