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MMP training at McLane

A team from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Raytheon Company came to McLane for profiler training in June. The one day training consisted of bench testing, programming a deployment, and recovering the McLane Moored Profiler from the 15 meter test tank in McLane’s lab. If you own a McLane profiler or sampler or are thinking

Larvae in Hydrothermal Vents

Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Biology Department have been using a variety of McLane samplers to research larval dispersal and supply in hydrothermal vents. Much is revealed about the benthic population and community dynamics in this analysis. Sediment traps and Large Volume Pumps deployed in challenging locations near vents in the East Pacific

Massachusetts Marine Educators

30 April 2011: McLane hosted a group from the Massachusetts Marine Educators (MME) at our facilities. MME is a grass roots organization of teachers, informal educators, students, and institutions.  The group promotes the awareness of the ocean world by integrating marine studies into existing curricula. MME convened its 35th annual meeting and conference at Woods