McLane named to 2012 MTR 100

 McLane is pleased to announce it has been named to the 2012 Marine Technology Reporter (MTR) Top 100 list. MTR is the world’s largest audited circulation magazine to cover the marine technology market. Each year the magazine evaluates and ranks marine technology companies worldwide to create the MTR 100 list. In the July/August 2012 Issue
McLane will build a new instrument, the Imaging FlowCytobot a sampler developed by WHOI biologists Robert Olson and Heidi Sosik. The FlowCytobot detects, photographs, and collects data on phytoplankton and zooplankton 24 hours a day, up to 6 months at a time. Data is transmitted back to a surface ship or land-based lab. See the
Dr. Mats Granskog and Dr. Agneta Fransson, researchers from the Norwegian Polar Institute, visited McLane in June for training on their Remote Access Sampler (RAS). The NPI team will be deploying two samplers in the Arctic off the coast of Greenland deployment in the Fram Strait (79 degrees N) in Aug 2012 to measure freshwater outflow from
The Ocean Observatories Initiatives (OOI) announces that it successfully completed a sea equipment test, which included a McLane Moored Profiler (MMP). Click here for video from the recovery cruise.  The OOI Team in September deployed three test moorings at two sites on the continental slope south of Cape Cod. That shelf break is at 39°