McLane at Oceans 2012 MTS/IEEE

 McLane will have an exhibit at the Oceans 2012 MTS/IEEE Conference (October 14-19) at Hampton Roads, Virginia. Visit us at Booth 1728 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our instruments. In addition, we have updates on McLane and will share our progress building Wire Following Profilers for the

Fall 2012 Newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter in electronic format. In the new Fall 2012 issue learn about an upcoming conference in Moscow, Russia, the successful deployment of the Hawaiian Ocean Time Series (HOT) Profiler deployment, CSIRO’s 12 month RAS deployment and McLane’s expansion to a new glass production and testing facility. We publish our electronic newsletter only a few times

McLane Profilers successful in INRS report

 INRS-Quebec has issued a reliability analysis report on two profilers deployed in the Southern Beaufort Sea as part of the ArcticNet program.  All MMP data was found reliable in 3,670 profiles, one MMP and 3,301 profiles for the other.
The University of Washington Applied Physics Lab successfully deployed the prototype HOT (Hawaiian Ocean Time Series) profiler at the ALOHA Observatory, north of Oahu, in July 2012. This new prototype, developed by McLane and the HOT APL/UW team, is a modified extended MMP (McLane Moored Proflier) which utilizes an inductive power system (IPS) to charge