June 10-14 Planktonic Workshop

Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) members are developing a study on modern planktonic foraminifera research over the last decades.The committee began the project in September 2011 and an upcoming June 10-14 meeting in Amsterdam will bring together experts to further discuss current techniques. The McLane Sediment Trap  is one of these well-known methods. A statement documenting benefits and limitations of these collection methods is

ESP Detecting Red Tide Blooms

ESP samplers manufactured by McLane are monitoring harmful algal blooms off the Coast of Maine in this busy sampling season. Calling the ESP a ‘major enhancement of red-tide monitoring’ Senior Scientist Don Anderson of WHOI explained recently how the ESP complements the twelve detection buoys off of the Gulf of Maine and Long Island Sound. One

McLane Hosts Local Intern

Local Falmouth (MA) Academy student Jessica O’Malley has been hard at work exercising her science skills at McLane. During her 8 week internship, Jess is learning assembly and use of a new McLane instrument accessory, photographing and writing user manual procedures.

Ocean Business 2013, Southampton, UK

McLane staff was in Southampton UK recently for Ocean Business 2013. In addition to showcasing our line of profilers, samplers, and flotation, we introduced the newest instrument in the McLane product line, the IFCB.