(Rimouski, Québec) – October 20-23: Talk to McLane experts at Ocean Innovation in Québec, Canada. This conference of the Canadian ocean sector will focus on monitoring, data management and decision-making in ocean observation. McLane Sediment Traps and RAS-500 samplers are part of the Canadian ocean observation NEPTUNE Canada cabled observatory project.

Fall 2013 Newsletter

In the new Fall 2013 Newsletter learn about McLane’s presentations in San Diego at the Nortek User’s 2013 Conference and OCEANS 2013, as well as the ESP and Gulf of Maine buoys, custom G8800 flotation in OBS instruments, and the Profiler Node in OOI Development.  Subscribe to our newsletter in electronic format. We publish our electronic newsletter only

McLane on the Road 2013

Looking for a chance to tell us your project needs? McLane continues to be on the road in 2013 in Quebec, Canada, Punta del Este, Uruguay, and Sarasota, Florida. We will be available to provide information and answer your questions on profilers, samplers, and flotation. Contact us to set up an appointment for a personal meeting during any of these upcoming events:

McLane in Japan

 17-21 September 2013: McLane Sales Agent Kaz Suguro of 3S Ocean Networks will be exhibiting our products at the Oceanographic Society of Japan Fall Meeting on the Hokkaido University campus in Sapporo, Japan. At this meeting, 3S Ocean Networks will be available to provide information and answer questions on McLane profilers, samplers, and flotation. Contact us to arrange a meeting