Well-prepared instrument users have greater success in the field.  Training is included with all McLane instrument purchases.  To get the most of our instrument training, consider these six tips: Budget for training with McLane.  Instrument training at our facilities in Falmouth, Massachusetts is included with a purchase of an instrument. However,  travel, room and board are not.  Budgeting

McLane Baltic Tour: 2-13 October 2016

McLane will be on the road in Northern Europe in October 2016.  Contact us to schedule a consultation on your instrument needs. Highlights include: INMARTECH: 4-6 October in Bergen, Norway Stockholm, Sweden: 5 October Gothenburg, Sweden: 6-7 October Helsinki, Finland: 7-11 October Sopot and Gdansk, Poland:  11-13 October McLane travels frequently to visit our customers.  For

2016 McLane Events Calendar

Our engineers will be on site in a location near you.  McLane staff and dedicated sales representatives are available to help you arrive at the best solution for your science application. 19-23 Sept: Oceans’16 Monterey, CA Portola Hotel, Booth #57 McLane Director of Special projects I. Engstrom and Software Engineer V. Ferreira   4-6 October: INMARTECH

Three tips for Proper Glass Flotation Care

Proper care over time is key to the long-life of Glass flotation. Inspect your glass after every deployment to check for signs of fatigue from repeated pressure cycling. Glass flotation inspection guidelines: Inspect the black tape around the equator– it should be in good condition and be free of nicks and cuts. Look through the sphere