McLane’s Phased Re-opening

The week of 22 May, a small portion of McLane staff have returned to our buildings as allowed by Massachusetts’ Phase 1 business re-opening initiative. We’re following Massachusetts’ COVID-19  re-opening protocols, and our buildings have new policies for social distancing, traffic patterns, and hand washing / sanitizing. Phase 1 Overview Unnecessary visits to McLane are

3 Interactive Resources for Earth Day

Fifty years ago on April 22, 1970, Earth Day was born as 20 million Americans mobilized to promote a new way forward for our planet. Half a century later, Earth Day has become a Global call to action and a chance to take a deeper dive. “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface
Sea Technology Magazine’s April cover showcases an Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) modified MMP docked on the seafloor in a Deep Profiler Deployment. The modified MMP is included in a feature article on inductive power moorings for OOI profilers. The Sea Technology article highlights how the University of Washington and rope maker Phillystran collaborated on mooring
While the COVID-19 outbreak has delayed research cruises and temporarily emptied labs, science doesn’t stop. Rest assured during this time of great uncertainty, as always you can rely on our commitment to you and your instruments. McLane is still working remotely to keep our staff safe and follow the guidelines of health and government officials. Though