Sea Technology Magazine’s April cover showcases an Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) modified MMP docked on the seafloor in a Deep Profiler Deployment. The modified MMP is included in a feature article on inductive power moorings for OOI profilers.
The Sea Technology article highlights how the University of Washington and rope maker Phillystran collaborated on mooring wire technology advances for OOI mooring arrays. As part of OOI’s regional cabled array networked sensor systems, the modified MMP uses inductive communications to collect and disseminate physical, chemical, geological and biological ocean data through this high-performance mooring wire.
McLane and the University of Washington collaborated on MMP modifications to use a rechargeable battery and operate remotely with a command-line interface. Adaptive sampling allows the profiler to transmit and accept commands for actions such sending data along the mooring line and returning the vehicle to the charging station.
OOI ocean observing data is available to anyone with an internet connection. See data samples from OOI research arrays including the Pioneer Array south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the Argentine Basin, Irminger Sea, Southern Ocean, Station Papa, and more.
OOI is a National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of the Ocean Sciences program.
Read more about the MMP on our website.