RoCSI Integrated with OOR USV
Photo: Open Ocean Robotics
McLane is thrilled to announce our upcoming participation at Oceans 2024, the leading conference for marine science and technology in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from September 23-26.
Visit us at Booth 522 to experience the Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument (RoCSI), a compact, high sample eDNA sampler that was recently deployed onboard an all-electric, solar powered USV.
Bring your deployment questions for our technical experts and learn more about our full array of eDNA, particle and multi sample instruments that range in volume, and feature depths of 5000 m to 6000 m. This includes the NEW Suspended Particulate Rosette Sampler ( SuPR ), our highest volume sampler which collects samples at 1000-2000 L per sample with volumes between 2000 – 6000 ml/min.