Introducing our limited edition IFCB T-shirt available in unisex sizes in Denim, Grey, Black, and Light Grey to our IFCB users– contact us for more details.
Introducing our limited edition IFCB T-shirt available in unisex sizes in Denim, Grey, Black, and Light Grey to our IFCB users– contact us for more details.
If you prefer to speak directly to a support representative, please call +1.508.495.4000 or email us to set up a Skype call (McLane_Research) any time during our hours of operation from Monday to Friday, 0800 to 1700 (EST, EDT), 1300 to 2000 (GMT), see our Support page.
From proposal creation to deployment and recovery, McLane is dedicated to determining the best solution for your science application. We will help you plan a purchase for your project, prepare your team with training, and work to maintain your equipment in top operating condition for years to come. Solutions include:
Contact us to discuss your project, get pricing for an instrument purchase or service, or learn more about training.
If you prefer to speak directly to McLane, call +1 508 495 4000 or email us to set up a Skype call at McLane_Research any time during our hours of operation from Monday to Friday, 0800 to 1700 (EST, EDT), 1300 to 2000 (GMT).
Please see our Support page for technical assistance.
Telephone support: +1 508.495.4000
Email: mclane@mclanelabs.com
Skype: Mclane_research
Fax: +1 508.495.3333
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