In this video, the Third Institute of Oceanography (Xiamen, China) deployed a McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) in Sept 2010 for 80 days off the coast of China. After a successful deployment and recovery, the China team collected 3000 profiles, with the instrument traveling in the range of 800 thousand meters.
Also in China, scientists from the Institute of Oceanology have used an MMP in the South China Sea to analyze conditions at varying ocean depths.
The MMP is McLane’s flagship profiler. It autonomously profiles the water column in a time-series along a fixed tether. Profiling depth, time intervals and pressure stops are user-defined, and profiling patterns can span specific seasons or timeframes. The instrument can be customized with a number of sensor options. An optional underwater inductive modem provides real-time communication between the MMP and a surface buoy or seabed node.
For more information on Profilers or MMPs please see the extensive documentation on our web page. If you have any questions on whether an MMP is right for your science, please contact us.